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Christ The King College

Thank you for your interest in Christ the king College website. Know about our vision , mission and beliefs. We believe you will not regret sending your wards to attend our school. We are founded on strong moral and intellectual base with long standing history of excellence in all we do. Christ the king College is a knowledge and excellence Centered school committed to partnering with parents to educate the minds and nurture the hearts of students for a better tomorrow. Also, we are committed to ensure that lives are transformed by the power of knowledge and that’s why we are called the home of knowledge. Our belief is founded on the principle that says knowledge is power.

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Article 1

I just read a beautiful piece on the perilous parenting especially among the bourjois that is churning out weak men. Men who cannot hold their own in a challenging world. The view of the writer resonates with what I have been clamoring for. “Reform in family and formal education.” Reform, not just in the intellectual, but overall. We need to review how we conceptualize education, how we raise the boy child or the girl child. What are the theories undergirding our parenting, educational policies and practices. These have far-reaching consequences for their tomorrow. In the College some students are chronic time-killers. At the publication of exam results their failure does not worry them, at least not as much as it worries their parents. Some of them are busy playing football and watching the latest movies, leaving their parents to worry about their precarious future. The parents take it upon themselves to pave the way for their children. They besiege my office praying for their son’s promotion, albeit unmerited. I told two of them that came last week that they are loving their children the wrong way. . .

Rev. Dr. Arinze C. Okafor.

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Why choose Our School

School Management


REV. FR. FRANCIS ONWUCHULUM – Deputy Manager/ /Director of Academics



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Admission Requirements

1. Junior Secondary school one (JSS1) prospective candidates must pass C.K.C entrance examination.

2. Prospective senior secondary school one (SSS1) student must possess a minimum of Junior Secondary School certificate (JSSC) or its equivalent as well as pass C.K.C entrance examination.

3. Other requirements: photocopy of birth certificate, four passport sized photograph, application letter, school file, testimonial of last school attended, results of last school attended (original and photocopies).

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The experience is designed to be transformational, to make a difference in the life of every student.

The college will offer a broad education interweaving academic study and co-curricular activity within a framework of pastoral care in which each part is an essential component, just as every strand of a tapestry brings essential value to a total work of Art and Science.

We believe that education should connect you to the world around you, providing context and insight into today’s most pressing issues. Drawing from the 21st Century’s most innovative and effective educational models, the Changemaker Curriculum combines high academic standards with interdisciplinary, project-based learning—so your environment informs your studies and your studies give meaning to your environment.Through development in three key areas, the Changemaker Curriculum builds informed, intelligent global citizens who are empowered to enact real and lasting change.

Students are assigned to one teacher as their main advisor, but all THINK teachers provide individualized academic support as well as the general supervision and mentoring necessary to smooth the occasional turbulence that accompanies adolescence and world education.

We provide nutritious food to our students so they can perform their best in the classroom. Dining with teachers and classmates creates the convivial social atmosphere of a home away from home. We also believe cuisine is an integral part of learning and understanding a culture. Students are exposed to a variety of food experiences during their time in each city, and periodically take cooking lessons that give them a chance to experiment hands-on with local ingredients and flavors.

We welcome parent visits to the school with arrangements made at least two weeks in advance. The best time for parents to visit is at the end of a term to ensure that students do not have other academic obligations that would prevent parents from spending quality time with their son/daughter.

Happy Parents


They have impacted positively on the students, given them a sense of direction, and hastened their graces and gifts. Academically, morally and spiritually, my children are sound. The school has inculcated in them Christ-like virtues and Godly character.

C.k.C has in no small measure transformed the lives of my children. The standard of the school is highly rated and is the best in Nigeria. I am proud of C.k.C

C.k.C has in no small measure transformed the lives of my children. The standard of the school is highly rated and is the best in Nigeria. I am proud of C.k.C

I must take time out to express my sincere gratitude to each one of you for enhancing my life and the life of my son .

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